Money is certainly something most people think about, worry on and want more of. Money is a very charged topic to say the least, and can act as an amplifier.
Feeling unworthy to have what you want and need? How might this be showing up in your relationship with money? Or maybe you feel guilty to have more wealth and abundance because there are so many others struggling? How does money add charge to a challenging experience of guilt or shame?
For you to have more money, it’s good to understand what money is beyond paper (or coin) that gets you stuff, and to learn how to work with something so powerful.
Here are some ideas as to what money is, and I don’t affirm any of this is true but this might be useful in helping expand your ideas and thoughts around money, and to further understand the power money can have in your life.
A mirror or amplifies what else is going on (doubt, fear, unworthiness, guilt, etc)
Evidence of value exchange
A tool – not something evil as what is taught in some religions
Money isn’t just a finite thing – it’s an energy and that energy is limitless. Sounds so woo woo, I know.
Worthiness and money are often entangled
People share common beliefs around money: there’s never enough, money is not in my control, if I have money then I’m taking it away from someone else, etc.
So a useful question can be: what is your experience of money like, and what is being amplified by money?
Having a better relationship with money is very much possible with the right tools, curiosity and framework.
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Ashley Paquin
November 16, 2022
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