welcome to

The Heart's

Welcome true Abundance, purpose, love and well-being

The way forward for success-minded spiritual seekers

tell me more


What if leading from your heart could bring you the abundance, purpose and love you crave?

The Heart’s Way allows you to do this in the 'new school way' of being and doing.
It's a deeply personal offer and one I believe in with my whole heart.

You will learn how to marry the practical science of how the brain works, with the power and practice of hearing, listening to and being guided by your heart.  Join us inside and experience this insanely powerful combination.

This science mind / heart combination is not being taught in the self-help space and is 100% necessary, so that you can welcome true abundance, purpose, love and clarity now.

You know the untold and un-lived potential you have inside of you - it’s time to unlock it.

Trust me when I say 'your heart knows the way'.

About The Heart's Way

I'm Ashley Paquin and 'The Heart's Way' is a culmination of my own journey as well as 15 years assisting clients to have a great success with less struggle and more ease. 

The Heart's Way is a deeply personal offer and it's where I bring together my experience as a modern Mindfulness Teacher, Master NLP practitioner and Coach with my heart-forward guidance.

This is an unquestionable and undeniable way towards healing, wholeness, success and freedom - "The Way" is guided by the heart's powerful and innate intelligence each of us have. 

We're doing this in the 'new school way'. 

The Heart’s Way provides you with heart-forward solutions to life’s challenges and curiosities. It's your time to welcome true abundance, purpose, love, clarity and well-being.

join us inside

This work has helped:

Learn what true success actually is

start to transform key challenges getting in the way of your success

be in a global community with success-minded people reaching for a better life

learn how humans get stuck and how to get unstuck

get clear with what you want specifically

create the future you want now with our signature practices and meditations

Workshop Results:

You'll get Instant access to this program with 18 videos of heart-forward solutions to life's biggest challenges and curiosities. Video, audio, PDFs and very special meditations.  

As an trained and experienced modern mindfulness teacher (and a master NLP practitioner) for 15 years, these teachings have supported thousands of seekers hungry for true success.

Healing and learning shouldn't be rushed, and neither should you. 

I want the best outcome for you, and want you to have time to learn and grow in the best ways available now. 

I marry science (and how the brain works) with the power and practice of the heart. It's an insanely powerful combination and unique to the self-help space.

The Heart's Way = less struggle, setbacks, sabotage, stunted progress and 'should'.

Join a kind community from around the world for deeper connections and friendships. The collective community is kind and welcoming. You get to stay as a member for 6 months - or longer if you choose to.

Belong with mindful seekers working towards discovering and fulfilling their Heart's Way. 

6-weeks of transformational teachings 

Go at your own pace

Supportive curriculum

join the global community 

What you can expect inside

join us inside

How this is different?

  • Reclaim your Divinity. 
  • Welcome true abundance, purpose, love, clarity and well-being.
  • Alchemize limitations and blocks. 
  • Learn the foundational building blocks of success.
  • Define your path forward, with purpose and clarity.
  • Life with more ease & trust and less struggle.
  • Find union in your mind, heart and spirit - be in sync with life.
  • Learn to listen to your heart and be guided towards true freedom.
  • Have more energy, creativity, trust, innate 'Knowing'.
  • Create deeper connections and meaningful relationships.

'The heart's way' is The way forward for success-minded spiritual seekers. YOU'RE INVITED TO JOIN ME - ASHLEY - ALONGSIDE A CREATIVE, heart-led COMMUNITY.

are you ready to:

Join me and many others for 'The Heart's Way' - Heart-forward solutions to life’s challenges and curiosities.

join us inside

What's Included

5+ hours of video lessons

go at your
own pace

compatible with all devices

life changing content

join a global community

expert instruction

Who this is right for:

You feel lost and need a way forward

You're ready to start a new cycle 

 You want simple life-changing practices so you can have more abundance, purpose, love and clarity

You want to deepen your intuition, divinity and innate knowing

you want a guide that's been there and knows 'the way'

You want to feel less alone and have deeper relationships

Who this is not right for:

Yor're ok being stuck 1 year from now 

You're in crisis mode and need support

YOU want business coaching

you don't like community, good people or groovy vibes

you believe you have tried everything and are unwilling

If there was ever a project or movement that I've created and believe in, this is it. The Heart's Way was born out my 40+ years on the planet in search of my own healing and wellness, combined with my vast knowledge of working with clients for 15 years.

It was the heart's way that helped walk me home to my truest Self.

It's what helped me come into the fullest experience of who I am and to end the war within. Now, I want to share this with you.

The Heart's Way is the foundation for everything else - the building blocks for a successful life so that you can receive the abundance, purpose, love, clarity and well-being available now. 

From here, we can and will reach for the stars.

From My Heart To Yours


Join The Heart's Way

Join the summer 2024 co-hort welcome more abundance, purpose, love, clarity and well-being.

are you ready?

join us inside

most popular

Join for a one-time payment of 


PLUS - receive the one-time bonus MONEY LOVES YOU

most flexible

Join for x 3 low cost split payments


PLUS - receive the one-time bonus MONEY LOVES YOU

future price  $1997

future price  $1997



week 1 - The Heart's way

You found the way - an undeniable way towards true abundance, purpose, love, clarity and well-being. Learn the 4 x pillars of The Heart's Way and clarify your intention.


All the struggles of the past have simply prepared you for the outrageous success coming. Learn how to harness that power now so you can welcome the future with great excitement and renewed possibility.


Accept your Divinity - this is your way home towards your highest and healthiest way of being. Learn how to do this with guidance and ease.


Alchemize any block, fear, obstacle or challenge that's prevented your growth, healing or success using The Heart's Way. Learn my simple yet very powerful heart-forward solutions to alchemize anything. 


Life rewards those with courage. Celebrate how much has changed and the all possibility, abundance, purposeful insights and love now available as a result of your efforts and courage. We celebrate it all!


Start co-creating with life in the heart-forward Way as the resourceful and wise human you are (with a tin can to the Universe). 

What you will learn inside

week 1 - The Heart's way

You found the way - an undeniable way towards true abundance, purpose, love, clarity and well-being. Learn the 4 x pillars of The Heart's Way and clarify your intention.

week 2 - An abundant future now

All the struggles of the past have simply prepared you for the outrageous success coming. Learn how to harness that power now so you can welcome the future with great excitement and renewed possibility.


Accept your Divinity - this is your way home towards your highest and healthiest way of being. Learn how to do this with guidance and ease.


Alchemize any block, fear, obstacle or challenge that's prevented your growth, healing or success using The Heart's Way. Learn my simple yet very powerful heart-forward solutions to alchemize anything. 


Life rewards those with courage. Celebrate how much has changed and the all possibility, abundance, purposeful insights and love now available as a result of your efforts and courage. We celebrate it all!


Start co-creating with life in the heart-forward Way as the resourceful and wise human you are (with a tin can to the Universe). 

The Heart's Way - what will you learn

How this works

• The learning is over 6-weeks and filled with transformational audio, videos, slides, PDFs and very special meditations.

• You will have access to the learning materials for as long as you are a member of the Collective. You'll have access to the community for 6 months, or longer if you choose to renew.

• It's a do-it-yourself program and 100% online. These are pre-recorded classes and you can go at your own pace. 

• At the Heart of this is the Collective. A strong powerful community of heart-led success-minded people all around the globe. You have the power to choose who you surround yourself with - choose a heart-led collective.

• You get a space to connect and learn from all other community members - this is shared learning. 

• You get access to some of Ashley's most powerful teachings, to learn at your own pace.

"Before meeting with Ashley, I was at a very pivotal juncture in my career, and I was unsure of how to handle it. In just 30 minutes, Ashley helped me gain clarity, as well as practical tools to help me move forward!"

Ben Olson - canada

"I have creatively paid off six-figures of debt, expanded my retirement, received a promotion and double my savings which is incredible. Hallelujah. I now associate money to my new sense of self-worth and self-love"

megan houston - usa

"I can actually do anything. I am more than capable. At first, this was a pep talk. But after three weeks of doing this work (while being kind to myself), I actually believe this. I can do anything and I’m more than capable. I have never felt this happy, anchored or loved in my life". 

jessica rogers - Uk

"I’ve found my purpose, bought a house, got married and celebrated my 40th with great friends. Thank you for the advice, love and  encouragement that you’ve given me! It’s been truly transforming and I will always be grateful that you’ve guided me on this path"

"Everything that used to overwhelm and paralyze me leaves my mind. I feel a deep sense of excitement to explore and make things happen regardless of what the “thing” is. It’s an adrenaline rush and remembering on bad days that it’s cyclical. My mind is blown". 

Tanya Karine Windman - usa

"Ashley strives to constantly learn, grow, and love those that she meets. I have had the honor of knowing Ashley for several years. She has been a tremendous source of support and has a true gift of giving a fresh perspective on my professional and personal endeavors, and has helped me understand that I am on an unfolding journey to becoming my truest self."

casey harmon - usa

Client Love

Angie DaBü - switzerland

More Amazing Feedback

Join The Heart's Way

Join the summer 2024 co-hort welcome more abundance, purpose, love, clarity and well-being.

are you ready?

most popular

Join for a one-time payment of 


PLUS - receive the one-time bonus MONEY LOVES YOU

most flexible

Join for X3 low cost split payments


PLUS - receive the one-time bonus MONEY LOVES YOU

future price  $1997

future price  $1997


join us inside

join us inside

Have Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is this hosted by Ashley or DIY? Do we meet in-person? 
A: It's a do-it-yourself program and 100% online. These are pre-recorded classes and you can go at your own pace. 

Q: What's the collective community?
A: This is the whole community that gathers around Ashley's work. This community comes from all her different programs and you'll learn great things by just being in the collective community. 

Q: Is The Heart's Way where I can change my limiting beliefs? 
A: No. We don't do belief change work in The Heart's Way. Belief change work is step #2. This is step #1 - foundational work so you can then do belief change work. 

Q: Is there refund policy?
A: Yes. You have 7-days from the date of your investment to request a refund if this isn't right for you. This is contingent on your use of the material and participation.

Q: What happens after I invest?
A: You'll get immediate access to The Heart's Way which includes the community and online curriculum portal. Please check the email you used to process the investment and please check your spam folder. 

Q: Will I really get the changes I need? 
A: We believe in the efficacy of this work without question, and success is always dependent on participation and consistency. 

Q: What's included in the program? 
A: The online curriculum is 6-weeks and filled with transformational audio, videos, slides, PDFs and very special meditations. You also have access to the global collective community. 

Q: How much time do I need per week to do the material? 
A: Allow 1 hour per week. There's 6-weeks of material. Each week consists of about 3 videos. Each video is about 10 minutes long.  

Q: Can I pay in installments? 
A: Yes - two installments. Please know you'll pay slightly more due to processing fees. 

Q: How long do I have access to all this? Do I get lifetime access? 
A: You'll have access to The Heart's Way learning materials for as long as you are a member of the Collective. You'll have access to the Collective community for 6 months. Ashley believes "lifetime access" is an impossible deliverable therefore dishonest. 

Q: How long has Ashley been doing this kind of work? 
A: Since 2008, so for about 15 years. 

Q: Are there live Q & A calls with Ashley?
A: No. Not in The Heart's Way. 

Q: What are the community guidelines? 
A: They're simple: be kind and respectful, no selling your product or service, no sleazy DMs to anyone in the community, and no drama. If you break these guidelines, we'll remove you from the program and community without a refund.

Q: Do I have to have a Facebook account to join the community?
A: No. We use Circle which is 10 x better.